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Article: Tiny House Summer Camp Three

Tiny House Summer Camp Three

RelaxShacks (Stoughton, MA)

Hand-drawn illustration and typography with digital coloring. Tiny House Summer Camps and Building Workshops with co-hosts Deek and Dustin Diedrickson. Anyone familiar with Deek's style of drawing and painting will understand the inspiration for this poster. I basically took pages from his humble shacks and sheds book and incorporated the designs into this illustration. Having collaborated with Deek in the past on his other Summer Camp posters, I knew this one should be closer to his persona, so I studied his work and tried to keep it as true to his style as possible. Some embellishments of my own thoughts were included and colored to the fullest extent which varied from his usual black-and-white drawings many have come to know and love.


Relax Shacks - Tiny House Summer Camp 3 Event Poster

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